Sugary Sweet Winter Memories...
mar.20.2025: I added new art, updated the spotlight, and added a very... I don't even know if I should call it a review as it's moreso a rant LOL.
mar.6.2025: I remade the layouts for the Outgoing, Artwork, and Spotlight page. I have changed how the spotlight page works as well so that I can update it reliably and with much less effort. I have a new idea for the layout of the Review page but... I don't know how to code it... I can't figure it out!!! Please take a look at this. If you know how I can make this work, please please please please tell me!!!!
3/2/2025: I have completely overhauled the artwork page. All of the images are now on dropbox (it took forever.) and all of them have captions (it also took forever...) I have also added a very brief review of Geminism. I will be adding a new spotlight soon!
2/24/2025: I have added the "review" for euphoria. The Miku pagedoll is FINALLY being replaced with a placeholder sketch of Heiwa. Please treat her kindly.
2/6/2025: I removed the DIARY page and replaced it with the ABOUT page. All pages have been updated to reflect this change. The artwork collection has been updated. I am very proud of the most recent piece, so please check it out if possible! That's all for now. I will update again soon.
1/25/2025: I added STARLESS to the reviews. I have also updated the artwork page as well as added yet another silly entry to my log(?) thing. I'm slowly making progress on other things, but I feel like I haven't made any updates other than art in a while lol...
12/29/2024: I updated the Diary with a messy entry, I updated the links page as well! Please take a look at that page. I also have started adding a snowing effect on pages... Slowly...
12/19/2024: I added the "Note" "Diary" and "Artwork" pages! I also updated all links and... Made a site button~! You can find it on the "Outgoing" page!
12/18/2024: I have updated the layout of the Spotlight page! There should no longer be an issue with the pagedoll overtaking the entire page. It should also be more pleasant to read through.
12/17/2024: I updated the layout of the home page! I think this looks much nicer, and it should hopefully look proper on more screen sizes (phones excluded...) Also, say hello to the mascot of mine,
Warm Yourself By The Fire
Welcome to Winter Memories~! This website is dedicated to visual novels, especially ones that may get posted around places like Pinterest without credit. I want these novels, and the people behind them, to be properly acknowledged and credited!
This website is not suitable for those under 18 years old, as eroge is featured and talked about here. I wanted a space to talk about the themes of these games freely, and so this is my space to do so! I hope that despite this people will be willing to give some of these titles a chance.
Please take a look at Outgoing before you go~!